Thursday, January 15, 2009
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Friday, December 07, 2007
Final Design
Monday, November 26, 2007
Try #2
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Thursday, November 16, 2006
So I'm not good at updating this anymore
Hello Loyal fans....haha Ok so whatever. Sorry guys it's so hard to find time to write a little something that's happened, so I'll just start from here and work forward. I'm working at our church now, I'm the adm. Assistant for our youth ministries now. It's been great! We've got wonderful pastors who are so much fun! Lorrie (Jabin's mom) is going to have their little boy in Feb or March. I'm so excited for them!
The best news of all is that....drum roll...we got tickets to the Clay Aiken concert! It'll be so fun, we'll get to do "the little black dress" dress up night...I'm such a girl. Brit, Maris and I will be going. It'll be a good picture night too!
Colton is now nine months old and just the cutest nephew ever! He's so smart. He says "wow" "uh oh" "dada" when Jared's in the room and "mama" when Kristen's in the room. He's so close to walking...he pulls himself up and walks along everything but just isn't brave enough to step away from it. He's all smiles (I'll put up to date pics on soon).
So the very sad news is...Pistons are stinking it up this year. It's just angering to watch...I don't know what happened from this year to last (yes we lost Ben, but beyond that) we don't have good offense right now either. Our D is pretty...Ok whatever I''ll leave it be and just hope they do better....come out and support our boys anytime they play (at our house we do the big screen each time we get a big crowd).
Well I guess that's is for now.
The best news of all is that....drum roll...we got tickets to the Clay Aiken concert! It'll be so fun, we'll get to do "the little black dress" dress up night...I'm such a girl. Brit, Maris and I will be going. It'll be a good picture night too!
Colton is now nine months old and just the cutest nephew ever! He's so smart. He says "wow" "uh oh" "dada" when Jared's in the room and "mama" when Kristen's in the room. He's so close to walking...he pulls himself up and walks along everything but just isn't brave enough to step away from it. He's all smiles (I'll put up to date pics on soon).
So the very sad news is...Pistons are stinking it up this year. It's just angering to watch...I don't know what happened from this year to last (yes we lost Ben, but beyond that) we don't have good offense right now either. Our D is pretty...Ok whatever I''ll leave it be and just hope they do better....come out and support our boys anytime they play (at our house we do the big screen each time we get a big crowd).
Well I guess that's is for now.
Friday, September 15, 2006
it's an update

well I am sorry guys, honestly life is just so fast, I haven't even had time to talk to you all. I'll be on the retreat this weekend so maybe I'll see you all next weekend. just a quick update...I love my new job, I am actually able to use the skills God has gifted me with. And working with the pastors has been so fun...I had some secret projects to work on for pastor Doug..I might just have to put them on here so you all can see them too. I'm sorry I have been missing Lorrie as well, we haven't connected yet. I do miss Jabin but in all honesty I have been so busy at work it helps keep my mind off all the other stuff. I am excited for some bonfires this fall and hoping to see friends more...and Marissa seriously if there was a guy in my life I would for sure tell you the answer as always is no to any new boyfriends.
Love you guys....have a good one hopefully I'll see you soon
Monday, July 17, 2006
Update on my life...Just for you jenny

Well, I had a great time rollerblading a few weeks ago...Marissa taught me how to do it..and how to attempt to stop...I did pretty well until it came to the way back and ended up hurting my ankle...oh well it was worth it and I'll do it again I'm sure! Rollerblading not hurt my ankle. But the best news of all is that I am done with Math class!!! Almost nothing could be better than that. But then I stop and think...oh wait there is only three day until I leave for Colorado! I am so geeked about a vacation you have no idea!!! I'll get to go white water rafting for the first time ever...and visit some of my most favorite places.
It seems as if my life doesn't really change. I work, go to school, sleep, try and see friends, clean my house day in a day gets tiresome after a while. And most of the time I do ok with being content in my current status of singleness....but lately has been really tough. I'll just share for all the people I don't know...since who know who actually reads my blog.....Due to the the fact I have three weddings comin up on the same day..I'll miss two weddings while I'm in CO...and then just seeing how cute my married friends are, I get a little discontented. I would really like to know the honest to goodness reason why I am not a "dateable" (spelling??) girl. I'm the one that is always the sister of the good seriously...Ok so I may be a little more emotional this week too but if anyone is willing to give me a real answer whether you think it will hurt my feelings or whatever....How am I supposed to change whatever it is that repulses guys if I don't know? So if you are willing to share an honest answer....This includes you guys (if any of you read this anymore) just jot me a note at Thanks friends! Ok so there's my sorry update. Sorry to be so discouraging. I seem to be in a happiness slump right now. Well Here are some fun pics to hopefully distract from the melancholy...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Fun Out-of-Doors
Sum-Sum-Summa Time...Enjoying the beautiful weather outside is the way summer was meant to be enjoyed. I got to go to the pool with Jabin and Lorrie this past week...But that was just the beginning. Friday I went kayaking with Carol for about four hours in the morning. Then went fishing with the old man late at night. Got to break in the boat...But sadly only caught our small bass for bait...The big catfish weren't biting. Saturday Brit and I went to the beach (it was a great day but had some interesting conversation next to us. It's always interesting to hear how being in the world really live their lives...I just can't even imaging living that lifestyle.) Then we came back from the beach and went running. I'm loving the outdoors. Now I just need to go camping....Anyone want to go? Well I was going to finish up a video transfer today, but I really just don't want to go into the shop...So I think I'll just leave it for another night. So I'll just work on Math with Marissa this afternoon....Good news is that I think we only have fiver more class periods! Yes! Have a nice afternoon!
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