Friday, December 23, 2005

Just a little somethin' somethin'

Happy Christmas Eve's Eve...hehe

Well it's been a crazy week for me....again....I got to go to the ER on Thurs. It was pretty crazy.
I got hit with a flu bug around 3 that morning and I'll spare you all the details. But after vomiting 13+ times I actually ended up passing out (yeah that was a new experience too) and then we called the doctor and they told me to go to the ER. So mom took me down to the hospital and I had to have two bags of IV to get me re hydrated. I lost so much fluid and I couldn't keep any down when I tried to drink so I was very dehydrated and that's why I had to go to the hospital. It was crazy and it hit so fast. But I'm doing much better now. Pretty much really bored from having so much "down" time. But I'm so thankful that God healed me quickly and that He has provided me with an understanding employer!

I can't believe Christmas is here. I was all ready for it so quickly this year that now I can't believe it's finally here. My shopping and all is done, all but three presents are wrapped and all is well. Tomorrow we have our annual Christmas Eve with the Mancelyea family. (that's the Mancewicz and Elyea families) We play games and just have a good time, not really hard to do in our family!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Yet another great Becky day...Worth reading

So I got up and showered this morning then decided to run out and get my car warm while I got ready....Well the trouble with that was that my car wouldn't start. Well the good news is that I found out early...So I went to try and figure it out (yeah go ahead and laugh at that, cuz I know so much about cars) but I figured I had a dead battery. My terminals were pretty corroded and it wasn't turning over enough to actually start. Well I didn't really know for sure so I went and woke Josh up to help me. He said it was my battery and of course we don't have jumper cables...Dad and mom have both of them in their cars. So Josh told me to take his car. He's such a nice brother!

So I'm going down the highway headed to work, already running about 10 mins late and Josh's car starts revving and won't accelerate. Yeah, keep in mind that it's 8:30 in the morning so there's still a lot of morning traffic, so I get it to coast as far as I'm able. And where am I at....on a bridge right pass Lake Michigan Dr. close to the Market Exit. So I'm thinking at least the festiva is a little car, I'm off as far as I can be and pretty much thinking I'm going to die. I can feel the bridge jiggle when cars go by and the big semi trucks are inches away from killing me. So I'm waiting for the tow truck to come and what happens...oh there's an accident behind me (yes because of me) An older lady hit the truck trying to get over behind me. So what I was hoping would just let me get over quickly was becoming much bigger quickly. So now we're blocking most of the bridge and just waiting for the police and tow trucks to come. Well the ambulance came to take the older lady to the hospital to make sure she was ok and the police woman came to do the report. Well I told her I was waiting for the tow company. Well that wasn't quick enough so the firemen (yeah we had them all out there) pushed me and the car up to the exit (about 1/2 mile away) so I'd be out of the way. Then they just left me there. The highway was backed up so far they ended up shutting the on-ramps and stopping other traffic. Yeah this was so crazy! There are of course more details but I'm not gonna leave it all on here.

Oh yeah and I was supposed to be's now about 10:30 by the time the tow truck got to the car. It took forever! So then my mom took me to work. I think it was shortly after that when I finally made it to work. Scott was so kind to me about the whole thing too. It made me all the more thankful for my job!

So when I get home, Katie was here to cut our hair, then it was back to working on my car. I called around to see who was still open to go buy a new battery from. Auto Zone was the only one open still so I went to get a battery from them. And I put it back on my car myself, but there was still no connection. I was so the boys go out and are looking, trying to tighten the connections...still nothing...then I look at the terminals and I see that I didn't take off the cap from the negative. yeah that would be the problem. (but at least I figured it out myself). We got my car up and running to figure out that I have no gas in it...oh man seriously I'm thinking this is the craziest car day ever!

I am so thankful for the safely of God's protection this whole day. It made me stop and think there's one more thing I take for granted. God protects me each and every day from so many things and this really puts it in perspective again! I have been thanking God all day for all the little things. God is good ALL THE TIME!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The Christmas Tree Fiasco...Or not?

Well as tradition goes in our house I do ALL our decorating for Christmas. I got all my stuff done (but was waiting on the boys to get the tree) the day after Thanksgiving. I of course crank up the Christmas music and dance around singing at the top of my lungs...It's always a good time. So after waiting a while for someone to get our tree...My dad went and cut one of ours down Sunday afternoon just before I had to leave for night church...So I didn't have time to do any decorating. And of course I've been busy each night this week so I finally got to decorating the tree tonight.

Well I really hadn't even looked at the tree before tonight actually, just passed it by. Let me tell you, have you ever seen Charlie Brown's tree...Well I think that one looked better than ours. haha well not really. It looks ok from one side, but the middle is really bare, then from the other side the middle is great but the bottom and top are bare so it was hard to find a good "center" for facing people. I just decided to decorate it the best I could and have fun doing it. It really was fun I was talking to Jenny on the phone so it was like she was there with me and Josh was playing his guitar while I was putting up the decorations. It was all going great but the tree was really pricky. (oh let me add that I am actually allergic to pine trees, when I get poked I get hives and itchy fat hands....So it's always interesting to decorate but it's fun) So by the time I was done my hands were pretty puffy and do itchy. Well I'm finally done this this crazy looking tree, that seemed to be leaning more and more each time I looked at it. I'm moving it back into place and what happens? Oh yeah it falls over on me....So I'm crouching on the ground holding the tree stand with my feet to help balance the weight and leaning back trying to hold up the tree with my hands...I yell for help and my dad comes in to get the tree...He goes to hold it and say..."Oh that's too pokey, do you have it?" as I'm struggling to not fall over with the tree on the floor. "no dad I don't have it, get a glove or something so I can move to get it better"....haha so long story shorter, we ended up having to tie the top of the tree to our blinds (our slider ones) so it wouldn't keep falling the tree looks good now....haha if you're leaning to the left at about at 45 degree angle. So as our decorating goes over here, there's always an exciting story to tell. I have just found this so humorous that I thought I should share it with everyone. Maybe you'll be as entertained as I was doing my Christmas decorating.