Well it has been a crazy few weeks (to say the least). So many changes going on in the Elyea house. Jeff moved down to New Orleans to work cleaning up after the hurricane, we have a great addition to our family named Colton, Mom is buying a video business (a things we've talked about starting for a long time and God just laid this opportunity in our laps, thank you God!), I guess life takes new directions each day. God's blessing are new each day!
So due to all the events of the past weeks I have really learned a lot about myself. But the one I am most surprised in is how content I am in my life. When I think back to where I "thought" my life would be at this point (married with maybe a child or two) I am not where near that. But honestly I Praise the Lord for where I am. I have been able to do so many thing the past few years, that if my position in life were any different I wouldn't have been able to do any of them. Do I want to get married, yes someday, but in the mean time I really am content where I'm at. Now does that mean I ALWAYS feel this way, nope. But thinking about the changes that would occur in my life...Wow that really is a big step I don't know if I would be ready to take just yet. I have really appreciated my family more and more over the past weeks. New things always bring your closer. And with Colton we have a lot more family time (or as my dad says, "fellowship of the brotherhood") Last Friday, mom, dad, josh and I stayed home and talked. We were listening to bluegrass and oldies so every once and a while there was an outburst in dancing (I so wish I would've had my video camera handy). And it's just so nice to have a family that we get along and actually enjoy being together. God has really blessed me with an amazing family! But even more than that I have some great friends! We are all so unique I think because we've known each other so long. We have close friendships and are able to have fun no matter what. Good or bad I am thankful for every bit if my family and friends.
Yeah so I'm sure that all came from out of the blue...And it did. But it's one of those things that when you start to examine your life and look at what the Lord really does provide you with you can't help but share your thankfulness. I hope you all can say the same thing. I do love each and every one of you!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm an Aunt!!!

We were very excited to welcome into the world, Colton Scott Elyea. He was born this morning at 4:09am C-section. His poor mother was in labor for 23 hours, having only dialated to 1 in that time so the doctors finally decided to do a c-section. They discovered his cord was around his neck which is why he wasn't coming down...which is then why she wasn't dialating. He was 6lbs 11oz. 20 1/2in long. He's so laid back...just like Jared and Kristen. He really never cries (yet). Just beautiful, but I may be a little partial. He's healthy which we praise the Lord for and even more than that Kristen is doing well! She is very tired still, which is expected but came through great! I will update more later. I wasn't able to hold him yet...very sad. But I want to allow Jared and Kristen some alone time and not over crowd them. So I will try to head to the hospital again tomorrow to hold my favorite Nephew Colton. I have told him all along I'm his favorite (thanks for that line Gabe).
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Happy February
Well, we're still (somewhat) patiently waiting for this little baby to arrive. My wonderful sister in law is due the 15th, but we're hoping it'll be sooner. I have to say life has been pretty uneventful during the month of January. It was busy as ever but just the same old. We have been doing well with the a-team and will keep that going until june. we're approching our busy time of videos. I have a great group of teens...but half of them are seniors so it'll be more new training next year. I was working a lot more hours because Lorrie's had several out of town meetings/training sessions. Jabin is just growing up so much. We're working on our letters and learning to tie his shoes. He's a very intellegent boy and it's a slow process to learn all of this but it's learning for both Jabin and myself. We're doing tumblebugs (a jumping and flexibility class) at the YMCA, we have story time at the library and are usually out and about trying to find new activities. Last week I got the jogger out, put his coat on and give him a blanket and I jogged him to the park. It was a little chilly but so nice to have fresh air! The bad thing about working longer hours is that it cuts into my workout times....I haven't been getting up and swimming because I've been so tired and then i haven't been getting out of work until around 7pm so I wouldn't be getting home until 9-9:30...so I'm trying to get myself motivated reguardless of the time....hahaha. (I'm getting better)
I decided to wait a few more months on the buying a house process. We'll have to see what my plans are once school comes next year. What I am thinking about is persuing a transfer to Spain working with GVSU. So in the fall I will finish up at cc (Lord willing) and go to GVSU in the winter and then look at going to spain for the following school year. But all this is only in the thinking process. It's something I"m working towards but going to still take my time and see what God would have for my life in the next few months. So buying a house wouldn't be the greatest idea before I go to Spain.
The boys have been playing in their church league basketball team...we have such a great fan turnout even though we are the worst team. But we have fun! Right boys? We're the West Cannon Bapt. Church Heroes. Come out and watch the games. They're sat afternoons.
Well Pistons are playing, the boys are amazing! Having only lost 6 games this year. How great! They sure are fun to watch. I agree that the losses keep us humble and make us play harder, but boy it would be fun to beat the bulls record.
God is so good! You know no matter how many ways I fail, how many times I fall short, how selfish I am....God pours out His everloving kindness. How undeserving I am. It has been a trying month spiritually. So many small...minute issues all seem to add up and what do I do...? Try and control them myself. Why does it seem like sin nature gets the best of you when you want to persue God? I am just so thankful for my great friends and employer who encourage me to walk closely with the Lord! I know there are so many blessings God has given me that I didn't recognize as blessings. The greatest blessing this month has been an improved relationship with my dad. It's so nice to have communication with him!
Well good night friends! I'll try to be more faithful this month!
I decided to wait a few more months on the buying a house process. We'll have to see what my plans are once school comes next year. What I am thinking about is persuing a transfer to Spain working with GVSU. So in the fall I will finish up at cc (Lord willing) and go to GVSU in the winter and then look at going to spain for the following school year. But all this is only in the thinking process. It's something I"m working towards but going to still take my time and see what God would have for my life in the next few months. So buying a house wouldn't be the greatest idea before I go to Spain.
The boys have been playing in their church league basketball team...we have such a great fan turnout even though we are the worst team. But we have fun! Right boys? We're the West Cannon Bapt. Church Heroes. Come out and watch the games. They're sat afternoons.
Well Pistons are playing, the boys are amazing! Having only lost 6 games this year. How great! They sure are fun to watch. I agree that the losses keep us humble and make us play harder, but boy it would be fun to beat the bulls record.
God is so good! You know no matter how many ways I fail, how many times I fall short, how selfish I am....God pours out His everloving kindness. How undeserving I am. It has been a trying month spiritually. So many small...minute issues all seem to add up and what do I do...? Try and control them myself. Why does it seem like sin nature gets the best of you when you want to persue God? I am just so thankful for my great friends and employer who encourage me to walk closely with the Lord! I know there are so many blessings God has given me that I didn't recognize as blessings. The greatest blessing this month has been an improved relationship with my dad. It's so nice to have communication with him!
Well good night friends! I'll try to be more faithful this month!
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