Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Yeah what a great day!

Oh yeah....I started my new job today...watchin Jabin. It was so great. He's such a cute boy. He sadly was still a little sick today, but he's so fun. He's such a happy boy. (I'll post a pic when I have on) It was amazing (my job)...when I'm use to hardly being able to sit down at all....I was able to read today for about two hours. So great. I also got to babysit for cute little Ethan (another child from Tutor Time). He's so much fun...he's a busy and funny boy. Very smart...but also very cute. It was a good day although I was gone for about 15 hours today (6:30am-10:00pm)..hey it's all good.

I've been learning so much lately. God has really just been teaching me how to grow...well more that I have such a need to grow in so many areas of my life..and I have a huge desire to change and continue to grow! Mainly changing in the way I love people; specifically my family. You know how you can decided to change things...and the hardest area (at least for me) is family/home. (Actually just put to the test in this area too). But I'm really enjoying the time I'm able to spend reading. I've used it to do my devos and also to continue other "life shaping" books. I put " " because the only life changing book we need is the Bible, however there books are pointing out specific areas of my life in which I need change.

Well I need to get some sleep after my long day. I have another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading...whoever does.

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