Thursday, September 01, 2005

Give me time

Yeah so you'd think that after havin this site since oh...feb I'd have a few more postings....yeah so I said I'd be slow. *update* I love my job. Jabin is so much fun and he's just so cute. We had a fun morning with Marissa and McKenna. He just loves them so much, we went to the children's museum (always a good time). We also stopped at the library on the way back to his house and as we were looking for books he looked at me and goes...."um, becky....i love you." Oh melt my heart right there. I just love that boy.

I was also able to read the book I got at the library today. I've been doing a lot of reading lately. five books in the last five days....yeah I'm a nerd. I'm just getting ready to do a lot of reading once I go back to school. Oh and great I didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurace by switching to Geico...I'm graduating from CC in the spring. Yes, yes I know thank you...after five years of school I am getting an associates. Kind of reminds me of tommy boy...."a lot of people go to school for eight years.....yeah they're called doctors"

Funny thing I saw today. Well I'm driving home from work and I wasn't in a hurry because it was a beautiful day and I was enjoying that fact that I don't have to work until Tuesday (Thank you God for the break). Well I was driving behind a particulary slow "older person" car. I start to get a little antsy so I try to take a closer look at the I'm looking I see this thing flying around in the car by their head. I'm wondering what's goin on..;So I go to pass them and yes....after a closer look I was able to see it wasn't anything really flying around in the car other than the massive "comb over" I started to laugh out loud when I saw this. Ok so maybe it was one of those things that you had to be there for. But I'm sure you can imagine it was funny.

The other person I noticed on my way home actually brought me to tears. It was just a tender/touching thing to see. A simple little thing I've proly seen several times. There was construction (surprise surprise) on the E. Beltline as I was going home and I happened to look around at one of the sites. I saw a middle aged man on a bike watching the builders. Ok so what's the big deal about that. Well the more I observerd him I came to the conclusion that he had some mental disabilities. But he was just enjoying the simple fact of watching the construction workers build. This just gripped my heart when I saw it. Wow how often do I rush by things and they go unnoticed??? When do I take time to stand back and enjoy the simple things (that are so irritating at I had to say a simple prayer of thanks to God for all I take for granted. Even my health, my abilities to move without problems, having a car to drive, having...oh I just could go on and on. I do truly praise God for His hand in my life. Thank you God for all your blessings!

Thought I'd share that with you. Might not touch you the way it did me. But my way of encouragement, take time to talk to God and thank him for Who He is and how He's created each and every one of us.

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