Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Don't you just love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils?

Well I offically started school...yesterday, but had my first class tonight, Spanish. Wow my teacher is going to be a little demanding of my time. She flat out said she doesn't care if we are working our boss comes after her class. So basically I signed up for a four credit class but the acually time I have to put into it is going to be a great deal more. *sigh* I hope I'm ready for this. All the homework is already making my head hurt...and this is the first two days. Well, guys don't let me give up like to do every other time. I'm one semester away from graduating at make sure I stick with it. (so you know I already feel the pressure of homework and instead of working on it right now what am I doing....? oh writing a new post. haha isn't that a good use of my time? But I said I would keep up with it and so that's what I'm doing for all my adoring fans....all two of you that is. Hahaha)

Jabin and I went to the zoo with Marissa and Mckenna today. Oh it was so much fun. I got a really cute picture of them holding hands. They are just too stinkin cute!!! It totally wore Jabin out too...he slept for three hours. So I got to work out, shower, finish my book and do house work during that time. I acutally felt productive.

So can I just say that God sure is the God of all comfort. I had something I knew I had to give over to God but (me being the controling perfectionist that I am) was having a hard time letting go. So I spent a lot of time praying and reading my Bible over the weekend and holiday. (now I'm not going to be all charismatic (I don't think I spelled that right)) But seriously as I as praying it was like a huge weight was literally taken off my body. The Holy Spirit really did give me the comfort and peace I longed for and it has made things so much easier! God is good. All the time!!! I hope you all had a great night as well.


Unknown said...

becky you better keep posting! i love reading what you've been up to in between our phone calls :D SO awesome to hear how God is moving in your life!

haha my roommate, tara, just called asking if i want to come stay with her in her room tonight 'cause kristen's gone at an overnight thing :) so my response will be cut short now! i'll call you tomorrow my becky!

i love you!

Anonymous said...

dont you hate it when people just leave messages on your blog so that they can advertise their own blog. oh well what can you do.

Unknown said...

WHOA, crazy - gabe actually posted on a blog :) aww gabe, one day you'll have your own blog too, just you wait :)

becky i left my phone in tara's room on accident so i can't call you 'til she gets back from class tonight :(