Saturday, September 03, 2005


That title was for you nancy....hehe!

I was finally able to do some baking today. Sadly our oven has been broken for oh...about three months now and I haven't been able to bake anything since then. Well I went over to Jared and Kristen's today in order to make treats for sunday school tomrrow. It was fun I got a lot done...bannana bread, coffee cake and tons of cookies. Thanks Kristen for letting me us your kitchen. The boys were upstairs tearing out the drywall of their guest room. That was kind of exciting, a little scary at times because you would hear a loud bang and wonder if it was just the drywall of it Jared had just fallen down...which getting a mental picture is really quite funny. Ha ha!

I also got to read another book today while soaking up some good sun rays. And....believe it or not I organized and cleaned my room...yes it's acually clean...minus dusting and vacuuming because it's a little to late to run the vacuum and I don't want to dust until after I do that or else you just get more dust on them. So over all a productive day. I like days like that.

The A-team is on it's way to be up and fun! I'm excited to get it going and have things done for the teens. I've got some great kids helping to head it up.

I didn't have any epiphanies today. But isn't God good to just give us that beautiful sunshine? I am sure glad I was able to be outside for a little while and enjoy it.

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