Friday, September 23, 2005

Is God in control?

So before I explain why my title is in the form of a question...Stop and think about your life....Are you allowing God to be in control or did you tell him to be a "backseat driver?"

So there I was sitting and reading a book while Jabin took a nap...My phone rang and it was Brit (totally not unusual since we are eachother's Friday night date). We had left our plans semi in limbo (go to the football game or to the movie we both wanted to see) We were leaning towards the movie and I was so excited. We were gonna get something to eat and then watch "Flightplan." But she really wanted to go to the game (lowell's) So we changed plans, yeah I was a little bummed but it's such a beautiful night going to the game would be fun. But I went to Rockford's game. I called up Casey to see if he wanted to come, and he was up for watching some football. The game was alright, I'm so sick of blow-outs. We won. But I had such a good time with Casey. He was such a huge encouragement. I got to talk to him and find out more about how he treats people and what a godly guy he is. (I'm very excited that Jodi found such a great guy!). So to make a long story short I told him about how I had felt God leading my steps to be in full time ministry but that I've been so scared to do it alone. I would love to go overseas..but only with someone else. It's you know my "but" to God. And he just facilitated me helped me take in what I was saying (pretty much facilitating myself) but it was so good to talk about it again. I know I'm somewhat afraid of being alone but he allowed God to work in my life and really challenged me. It made me stop and think a ton. So without giving you the whole conversation I will restate my question...Is God in control of your life, or do you have "buts" before God? I know I do and I admit I need a lot of prayer in this area of my life. But I would like to try an encourage you all to allow God to lead your life, not having to lay everything out before...that's part of our faith in Him. Please pray for me and know I'm praying for all of you my friends!


Unknown said...

Hi Becky! i just want you to know that i check your blog multiple times a day and i didn't respond to this post because we talked for an hour and a half the other night about everything you just said in your blog. so now that you know that people are reading your blog, you can update it!! thank you.


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

i think today's...october...6th? yeah...i think that's a long ways away from september 23rd.