Hello Loyal fans....haha Ok so whatever. Sorry guys it's so hard to find time to write a little something that's happened, so I'll just start from here and work forward. I'm working at our church now, I'm the adm. Assistant for our youth ministries now. It's been great! We've got wonderful pastors who are so much fun! Lorrie (Jabin's mom) is going to have their little boy in Feb or March. I'm so excited for them!
The best news of all is that....drum roll...we got tickets to the Clay Aiken concert! It'll be so fun, we'll get to do "the little black dress" dress up night...I'm such a girl. Brit, Maris and I will be going. It'll be a good picture night too!
Colton is now nine months old and just the cutest nephew ever! He's so smart. He says "wow" "uh oh" "dada" when Jared's in the room and "mama" when Kristen's in the room. He's so close to walking...he pulls himself up and walks along everything but just isn't brave enough to step away from it. He's all smiles (I'll put up to date pics on soon).
So the very sad news is...Pistons are stinking it up this year. It's just angering to watch...I don't know what happened from this year to last (yes we lost Ben, but beyond that) we don't have good offense right now either. Our D is pretty...Ok whatever I''ll leave it be and just hope they do better....come out and support our boys anytime they play (at our house we do the big screen each time we get a big crowd).
Well I guess that's is for now.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Friday, September 15, 2006
it's an update

well I am sorry guys, honestly life is just so fast, I haven't even had time to talk to you all. I'll be on the retreat this weekend so maybe I'll see you all next weekend. just a quick update...I love my new job, I am actually able to use the skills God has gifted me with. And working with the pastors has been so fun...I had some secret projects to work on for pastor Doug..I might just have to put them on here so you all can see them too. I'm sorry I have been missing Lorrie as well, we haven't connected yet. I do miss Jabin but in all honesty I have been so busy at work it helps keep my mind off all the other stuff. I am excited for some bonfires this fall and hoping to see friends more...and Marissa seriously if there was a guy in my life I would for sure tell you guys...so the answer as always is no to any new boyfriends.
Love you guys....have a good one hopefully I'll see you soon
Monday, July 17, 2006
Update on my life...Just for you jenny

Well, I had a great time rollerblading a few weeks ago...Marissa taught me how to do it..and how to attempt to stop...I did pretty well until it came to the way back and ended up hurting my ankle...oh well it was worth it and I'll do it again I'm sure! Rollerblading not hurt my ankle. But the best news of all is that I am done with Math class!!! Almost nothing could be better than that. But then I stop and think...oh wait there is only three day until I leave for Colorado! I am so geeked about a vacation you have no idea!!! I'll get to go white water rafting for the first time ever...and visit some of my most favorite places.
It seems as if my life doesn't really change. I work, go to school, sleep, try and see friends, clean my house day in a day out...it gets tiresome after a while. And most of the time I do ok with being content in my current status of singleness....but lately has been really tough. I'll just share for all the people I don't know...since who know who actually reads my blog.....Due to the the fact I have three weddings comin up on the same day..I'll miss two weddings while I'm in CO...and then just seeing how cute my married friends are, I get a little discontented. I would really like to know the honest to goodness reason why I am not a "dateable" (spelling??) girl. I'm the one that is always the sister of the good friend...so seriously...Ok so I may be a little more emotional this week too but if anyone is willing to give me a real answer whether you think it will hurt my feelings or whatever....How am I supposed to change whatever it is that repulses guys if I don't know? So if you are willing to share an honest answer....This includes you guys (if any of you read this anymore) just jot me a note at beckyelyea@comcast.net. Thanks friends! Ok so there's my sorry update. Sorry to be so discouraging. I seem to be in a happiness slump right now. Well Here are some fun pics to hopefully distract from the melancholy...
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Fun Out-of-Doors
Sum-Sum-Summa Time...Enjoying the beautiful weather outside is the way summer was meant to be enjoyed. I got to go to the pool with Jabin and Lorrie this past week...But that was just the beginning. Friday I went kayaking with Carol for about four hours in the morning. Then went fishing with the old man late at night. Got to break in the boat...But sadly only caught our small bass for bait...The big catfish weren't biting. Saturday Brit and I went to the beach (it was a great day but had some interesting conversation next to us. It's always interesting to hear how being in the world really live their lives...I just can't even imaging living that lifestyle.) Then we came back from the beach and went running. I'm loving the outdoors. Now I just need to go camping....Anyone want to go? Well I was going to finish up a video transfer today, but I really just don't want to go into the shop...So I think I'll just leave it for another night. So I'll just work on Math with Marissa this afternoon....Good news is that I think we only have fiver more class periods! Yes! Have a nice afternoon!
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Thursday, June 15, 2006

My friend Nacey
By Becky Elyea
(Yes I am back in second grade)
I have a friend
Her name is Nancy
I call her Nacey because I am funny.
Nacey is a good friend.
She likes to one-up people though,
sometimes it makes me sad.
My friend Nacey
The End!
haha...Nan, just thought I'd let you know how sad I was to hear that it's how many posts you do a month so I thought...I'll start by writing about Nancy...hehe Have a great day! I think I'm going to the beach again on my day off!! Yes!
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
A quick update
Well first of all Nacey...June 13 is definitely less than two months after May 3. Just so you know...hehe. And many very exciting things have happened in these last six weeks...I'll keep it short tonight and just name three....(I'll try and get on the full update by the end of the week)
A. The open house video is done!!!!
2. The communion video is done!!!
D. I have every Friday off!!! (did I say the open house video is done?)
Ok so that's not really the most important things....Just had that A..2...D line come in my head from home alone so I wanted to share it....
A. I got to see Selah with Marissa!!! Which was a fun time for sure!
2. God has allowed me to hear the same lesson over and over about four times this month, so I think it might be something I should work on....(I'll explain more in the next one)
D. It's summer and beautiful out, so how could anyone be down?
Well that's the quick super quick version of the update...Thanks guys for at least reading my blog so I know people love me..haha just kidding.
A. The open house video is done!!!!
2. The communion video is done!!!
D. I have every Friday off!!! (did I say the open house video is done?)
Ok so that's not really the most important things....Just had that A..2...D line come in my head from home alone so I wanted to share it....
A. I got to see Selah with Marissa!!! Which was a fun time for sure!
2. God has allowed me to hear the same lesson over and over about four times this month, so I think it might be something I should work on....(I'll explain more in the next one)
D. It's summer and beautiful out, so how could anyone be down?
Well that's the quick super quick version of the update...Thanks guys for at least reading my blog so I know people love me..haha just kidding.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
My Cup Runneth Over
Oh I have the best friends in the world. I use to love birthdays but since I turned 21 I just haven't enjoyed them...cuz I'm getting older and none of my "goals" have been checked off yet....But I truly had the best birthday! It all started at 12:30am, my aunt and mom wished me happy birthday...Just got the ball rolling I guess. I got to work and the Bates family all started to sing happy birthday. And then the texts started to come....And come and come..Then I checked my facebook and so many friends I haven't talked to in a while wish me a happy birthday too. So I'm just having a great day feeling so loved and all. But the icing on the cake was that my friends came over and had made desserts and gotten me cards (totally unexpected) I just thought we had a good turnout for the Pistons game. It was so fun! And the Pistons won...So just a great day all around! I just love you all, you made my birthday so special! It was so much fun.
Oh and then on top of all that greatness...We finally get to see Phantom of the Opera on Friday! I have been so excited for this for so long! I love Phantom and I have always wanted to see it live! And then just to be able to get dressed up and look nice will make it even more fun!
Thanks so much for being such great friend! I love you all so very much and appreciate the friendships I have with each one of you. My birthday didn't come true, it over flowed!
Oh and then on top of all that greatness...We finally get to see Phantom of the Opera on Friday! I have been so excited for this for so long! I love Phantom and I have always wanted to see it live! And then just to be able to get dressed up and look nice will make it even more fun!
Thanks so much for being such great friend! I love you all so very much and appreciate the friendships I have with each one of you. My birthday didn't come true, it over flowed!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Hermano
So Josh turns 22 today...How crazy. But because he has welding class until 9 I wouldn't have been able to see him until around 10 tonight, I gave him his presents last night. Oh it was funny. A while back we had been watching a Disney movie, made for TV called High School Musical. It was really cheesy and dumb but at the same time one of those cute movies. Well the next day I see Josh and he's singing the songs from the movie...Seriously I didn't even remember the lyrics that well....So I got him the soundtrack for his birthday. And last night when he opened it, he sat and listened to the songs with the lyrics out singing along...Yes to be dumb but it was still funny and worth buying the CD.
Oh and happy day I have finally finish Jared and Kristen's wedding video. It's amazing how fast I can do things for work but it took me a year to get theirs done...Sorry guys. All I have to do now it burn it onto a DVD for them...!!! It's a good feeling! So now I'm starting an open house video for a girl named Emily. It's fun but a little difficult because I don't know her at all so picking out what is important is a little harder than I thought it would be.
Oh and this is fun, I'm going out to breakfast with Christa Miller on Friday. We randomly hook up about once a year and have breakfast. I can't wait to see her. She is just the sweetest girl and always so fun!
Well Happy Birthday Brother! I love you and you're my favorite brother named Josh (just don't tell Josh though, he might get mad)!
Oh and happy day I have finally finish Jared and Kristen's wedding video. It's amazing how fast I can do things for work but it took me a year to get theirs done...Sorry guys. All I have to do now it burn it onto a DVD for them...!!! It's a good feeling! So now I'm starting an open house video for a girl named Emily. It's fun but a little difficult because I don't know her at all so picking out what is important is a little harder than I thought it would be.
Oh and this is fun, I'm going out to breakfast with Christa Miller on Friday. We randomly hook up about once a year and have breakfast. I can't wait to see her. She is just the sweetest girl and always so fun!
Well Happy Birthday Brother! I love you and you're my favorite brother named Josh (just don't tell Josh though, he might get mad)!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Yeah what a crazy time this is. And it's so true the older you get the faster the the time goes. And especially now working for Jabin full time and putting in a lot of additional hours working for my mom. But that's the fun job especially when you get to talk to the customers. We had the greatest lady come in today...She has a really big video/pic order for her daughter's open house, it'll be fun, but she just complimented her daughter...She's just beautiful, oh wait til you hear her sing, she was just the most beautiful baby. It was wonderful to see someone with such adoration for her daughter. She just fun on top of being so sweet. I love it. It makes me want to stop working for Scott and Lorrie, as hard as that would be!!! Not that I'm going to. I don't even know when we'll open my store yet so we'll take it one step at at time. But I love it. And I really found that I don't care for Macs. I thought it would be so much better using that program, but I prefer Pinnacle, even with all the gliches, it's much faster and you can control more with it, as far as timing, transition, clips, special effects...Yeah I like Pinnacle. Never thought I'd say that after all the Praise I've heard about Macs. Oh well, I guess old habits die hard.
So I have the most beautiful Nephew of all time, I'm sure of it!! He's so good I could just sit and watch him all the time! I just love that boy. I'm his only Tia..I think it's fun. I asked them if it was alright that he call me that, so I'd be more distinct from the other aunts...I like it. Tia Becky is a little funny sounding but I like Tia. (that's aunt in Spanish for all the non-Spanish speakers).
So my life basically has been, working, then second job, I've been doing a lot of running. Guys I'm so proud. I know Pride goes before the fall, but I just have to share I've been running 9 min miles again. Ok yeah so it's not the fastest ever but for me it's amazing. I could never have ran that in high school. I think my best mile then was like 13 mins. (taking into account that my body has been altered by doctors...Sorry not gonna talk about that surgery though...ask me in person if you don't know what I'm talking about). So I'm loving running. I really need new shoes and asked my parents for them for my birthday. So what else have I been doing, sleeping, waiting for the love of my life to appear...I think he's still busy cuz I haven't seen him yet. I'm keeping my eyes peeled though....so if any of you find him for me, just let me know...I'm accepting willing applicants. hehe.
So I have the most beautiful Nephew of all time, I'm sure of it!! He's so good I could just sit and watch him all the time! I just love that boy. I'm his only Tia..I think it's fun. I asked them if it was alright that he call me that, so I'd be more distinct from the other aunts...I like it. Tia Becky is a little funny sounding but I like Tia. (that's aunt in Spanish for all the non-Spanish speakers).
So my life basically has been, working, then second job, I've been doing a lot of running. Guys I'm so proud. I know Pride goes before the fall, but I just have to share I've been running 9 min miles again. Ok yeah so it's not the fastest ever but for me it's amazing. I could never have ran that in high school. I think my best mile then was like 13 mins. (taking into account that my body has been altered by doctors...Sorry not gonna talk about that surgery though...ask me in person if you don't know what I'm talking about). So I'm loving running. I really need new shoes and asked my parents for them for my birthday. So what else have I been doing, sleeping, waiting for the love of my life to appear...I think he's still busy cuz I haven't seen him yet. I'm keeping my eyes peeled though....so if any of you find him for me, just let me know...I'm accepting willing applicants. hehe.
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
A breath of fresh air

Well after having very busy weeks I'm finally able to sit down and relax today. I had trista's wedding this past weekend. So much fun! And it's official, there is no other possible thing I could be as a girl in a wedding besides the bride, I've been it all already....maid of honor, bridesmaid, singer, reader, flowergirl, guestbook attendent, punchbowl, cake cutter, videographer, personal attendent....I've been it all. So my day is coming...hehe. But we had a good time, it was great to spend time with Trista again too. She just makes me laugh so much. She looked beautiful and was so relaxed. No problems either throughout the day we were able to enjoy it all.
On top of this, my mom has been on the senior trip and my birthday present to her (it was April 3rd) was to suprise her by redoing the kitchen. She'd been talking about it for a while now but I didn't really think she was going to do it...so i decided to do it. I think it looks great!!! It's a teal blue/green with black accents. I'll have to post some pics when I take them...It was a long few days though. Mom left Weds morning so I started the cleaning and taping and got the ceiling painted. Thurs night I finished the wall painting, friday was rehersal dinner then touch-up afterwards, wrote my maid of honor speech and got my stuff together for the wedding. Sat was the wedding all day and I took the tape down after it was all done. I just love dancing...I"m sure other people like to watch me dance cuz I look so awful, but I have fun. Sunday, church then started the organizing. So I've been busy...I finally got to sleep Monday night.
I've got a jump on spring cleaning...now it's teaching the family how to be clean...and to take five more seconds to cleaning up, or close a door, or put away...etc. All in good time right....it's some high hopes on my part.
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Dios Bendice (God bless)
Well it has been a crazy few weeks (to say the least). So many changes going on in the Elyea house. Jeff moved down to New Orleans to work cleaning up after the hurricane, we have a great addition to our family named Colton, Mom is buying a video business (a things we've talked about starting for a long time and God just laid this opportunity in our laps, thank you God!), I guess life takes new directions each day. God's blessing are new each day!
So due to all the events of the past weeks I have really learned a lot about myself. But the one I am most surprised in is how content I am in my life. When I think back to where I "thought" my life would be at this point (married with maybe a child or two) I am not where near that. But honestly I Praise the Lord for where I am. I have been able to do so many thing the past few years, that if my position in life were any different I wouldn't have been able to do any of them. Do I want to get married, yes someday, but in the mean time I really am content where I'm at. Now does that mean I ALWAYS feel this way, nope. But thinking about the changes that would occur in my life...Wow that really is a big step I don't know if I would be ready to take just yet. I have really appreciated my family more and more over the past weeks. New things always bring your closer. And with Colton we have a lot more family time (or as my dad says, "fellowship of the brotherhood") Last Friday, mom, dad, josh and I stayed home and talked. We were listening to bluegrass and oldies so every once and a while there was an outburst in dancing (I so wish I would've had my video camera handy). And it's just so nice to have a family that we get along and actually enjoy being together. God has really blessed me with an amazing family! But even more than that I have some great friends! We are all so unique I think because we've known each other so long. We have close friendships and are able to have fun no matter what. Good or bad I am thankful for every bit if my family and friends.
Yeah so I'm sure that all came from out of the blue...And it did. But it's one of those things that when you start to examine your life and look at what the Lord really does provide you with you can't help but share your thankfulness. I hope you all can say the same thing. I do love each and every one of you!!!
So due to all the events of the past weeks I have really learned a lot about myself. But the one I am most surprised in is how content I am in my life. When I think back to where I "thought" my life would be at this point (married with maybe a child or two) I am not where near that. But honestly I Praise the Lord for where I am. I have been able to do so many thing the past few years, that if my position in life were any different I wouldn't have been able to do any of them. Do I want to get married, yes someday, but in the mean time I really am content where I'm at. Now does that mean I ALWAYS feel this way, nope. But thinking about the changes that would occur in my life...Wow that really is a big step I don't know if I would be ready to take just yet. I have really appreciated my family more and more over the past weeks. New things always bring your closer. And with Colton we have a lot more family time (or as my dad says, "fellowship of the brotherhood") Last Friday, mom, dad, josh and I stayed home and talked. We were listening to bluegrass and oldies so every once and a while there was an outburst in dancing (I so wish I would've had my video camera handy). And it's just so nice to have a family that we get along and actually enjoy being together. God has really blessed me with an amazing family! But even more than that I have some great friends! We are all so unique I think because we've known each other so long. We have close friendships and are able to have fun no matter what. Good or bad I am thankful for every bit if my family and friends.
Yeah so I'm sure that all came from out of the blue...And it did. But it's one of those things that when you start to examine your life and look at what the Lord really does provide you with you can't help but share your thankfulness. I hope you all can say the same thing. I do love each and every one of you!!!
Monday, February 13, 2006
I'm an Aunt!!!

We were very excited to welcome into the world, Colton Scott Elyea. He was born this morning at 4:09am C-section. His poor mother was in labor for 23 hours, having only dialated to 1 in that time so the doctors finally decided to do a c-section. They discovered his cord was around his neck which is why he wasn't coming down...which is then why she wasn't dialating. He was 6lbs 11oz. 20 1/2in long. He's so laid back...just like Jared and Kristen. He really never cries (yet). Just beautiful, but I may be a little partial. He's healthy which we praise the Lord for and even more than that Kristen is doing well! She is very tired still, which is expected but came through great! I will update more later. I wasn't able to hold him yet...very sad. But I want to allow Jared and Kristen some alone time and not over crowd them. So I will try to head to the hospital again tomorrow to hold my favorite Nephew Colton. I have told him all along I'm his favorite (thanks for that line Gabe).
Saturday, February 04, 2006
Happy February
Well, we're still (somewhat) patiently waiting for this little baby to arrive. My wonderful sister in law is due the 15th, but we're hoping it'll be sooner. I have to say life has been pretty uneventful during the month of January. It was busy as ever but just the same old. We have been doing well with the a-team and will keep that going until june. we're approching our busy time of videos. I have a great group of teens...but half of them are seniors so it'll be more new training next year. I was working a lot more hours because Lorrie's had several out of town meetings/training sessions. Jabin is just growing up so much. We're working on our letters and learning to tie his shoes. He's a very intellegent boy and it's a slow process to learn all of this but it's learning for both Jabin and myself. We're doing tumblebugs (a jumping and flexibility class) at the YMCA, we have story time at the library and are usually out and about trying to find new activities. Last week I got the jogger out, put his coat on and give him a blanket and I jogged him to the park. It was a little chilly but so nice to have fresh air! The bad thing about working longer hours is that it cuts into my workout times....I haven't been getting up and swimming because I've been so tired and then i haven't been getting out of work until around 7pm so I wouldn't be getting home until 9-9:30...so I'm trying to get myself motivated reguardless of the time....hahaha. (I'm getting better)
I decided to wait a few more months on the buying a house process. We'll have to see what my plans are once school comes next year. What I am thinking about is persuing a transfer to Spain working with GVSU. So in the fall I will finish up at cc (Lord willing) and go to GVSU in the winter and then look at going to spain for the following school year. But all this is only in the thinking process. It's something I"m working towards but going to still take my time and see what God would have for my life in the next few months. So buying a house wouldn't be the greatest idea before I go to Spain.
The boys have been playing in their church league basketball team...we have such a great fan turnout even though we are the worst team. But we have fun! Right boys? We're the West Cannon Bapt. Church Heroes. Come out and watch the games. They're sat afternoons.
Well Pistons are playing, the boys are amazing! Having only lost 6 games this year. How great! They sure are fun to watch. I agree that the losses keep us humble and make us play harder, but boy it would be fun to beat the bulls record.
God is so good! You know no matter how many ways I fail, how many times I fall short, how selfish I am....God pours out His everloving kindness. How undeserving I am. It has been a trying month spiritually. So many small...minute issues all seem to add up and what do I do...? Try and control them myself. Why does it seem like sin nature gets the best of you when you want to persue God? I am just so thankful for my great friends and employer who encourage me to walk closely with the Lord! I know there are so many blessings God has given me that I didn't recognize as blessings. The greatest blessing this month has been an improved relationship with my dad. It's so nice to have communication with him!
Well good night friends! I'll try to be more faithful this month!
I decided to wait a few more months on the buying a house process. We'll have to see what my plans are once school comes next year. What I am thinking about is persuing a transfer to Spain working with GVSU. So in the fall I will finish up at cc (Lord willing) and go to GVSU in the winter and then look at going to spain for the following school year. But all this is only in the thinking process. It's something I"m working towards but going to still take my time and see what God would have for my life in the next few months. So buying a house wouldn't be the greatest idea before I go to Spain.
The boys have been playing in their church league basketball team...we have such a great fan turnout even though we are the worst team. But we have fun! Right boys? We're the West Cannon Bapt. Church Heroes. Come out and watch the games. They're sat afternoons.
Well Pistons are playing, the boys are amazing! Having only lost 6 games this year. How great! They sure are fun to watch. I agree that the losses keep us humble and make us play harder, but boy it would be fun to beat the bulls record.
God is so good! You know no matter how many ways I fail, how many times I fall short, how selfish I am....God pours out His everloving kindness. How undeserving I am. It has been a trying month spiritually. So many small...minute issues all seem to add up and what do I do...? Try and control them myself. Why does it seem like sin nature gets the best of you when you want to persue God? I am just so thankful for my great friends and employer who encourage me to walk closely with the Lord! I know there are so many blessings God has given me that I didn't recognize as blessings. The greatest blessing this month has been an improved relationship with my dad. It's so nice to have communication with him!
Well good night friends! I'll try to be more faithful this month!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
I just wanted to say a little somethin somethin to my good pal Jenny...You see today is her 22nd cumpleanos (that's birthday in Spanish). So if you happen to see her today or in the next few days why not wish her a happy birthday. I know she loves her birthday so much she'll really appreciate it. Hahaha. Ok so not really she doesn't exactly enjoy her birthday. So you could instead quietly wish her a happy birthday and feel free to give her refried beans or granola bars (chocolate chip) I'm sure she'll gladly accept all donations. Have a great birthday jen. I love you very much. *(I love you the most times infinity plus one through all eternity forever and ever AMEN)
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