Happy Christmas Eve's Eve...hehe
Well it's been a crazy week for me....again....I got to go to the ER on Thurs. It was pretty crazy.
I got hit with a flu bug around 3 that morning and I'll spare you all the details. But after vomiting 13+ times I actually ended up passing out (yeah that was a new experience too) and then we called the doctor and they told me to go to the ER. So mom took me down to the hospital and I had to have two bags of IV to get me re hydrated. I lost so much fluid and I couldn't keep any down when I tried to drink so I was very dehydrated and that's why I had to go to the hospital. It was crazy and it hit so fast. But I'm doing much better now. Pretty much really bored from having so much "down" time. But I'm so thankful that God healed me quickly and that He has provided me with an understanding employer!
I can't believe Christmas is here. I was all ready for it so quickly this year that now I can't believe it's finally here. My shopping and all is done, all but three presents are wrapped and all is well. Tomorrow we have our annual Christmas Eve with the Mancelyea family. (that's the Mancewicz and Elyea families) We play games and just have a good time, not really hard to do in our family!
Friday, December 23, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
Yet another great Becky day...Worth reading
So I got up and showered this morning then decided to run out and get my car warm while I got ready....Well the trouble with that was that my car wouldn't start. Well the good news is that I found out early...So I went to try and figure it out (yeah go ahead and laugh at that, cuz I know so much about cars) but I figured I had a dead battery. My terminals were pretty corroded and it wasn't turning over enough to actually start. Well I didn't really know for sure so I went and woke Josh up to help me. He said it was my battery and of course we don't have jumper cables...Dad and mom have both of them in their cars. So Josh told me to take his car. He's such a nice brother!
So I'm going down the highway headed to work, already running about 10 mins late and Josh's car starts revving and won't accelerate. Yeah, keep in mind that it's 8:30 in the morning so there's still a lot of morning traffic, so I get it to coast as far as I'm able. And where am I at....on a bridge right pass Lake Michigan Dr. close to the Market Exit. So I'm thinking at least the festiva is a little car, I'm off as far as I can be and pretty much thinking I'm going to die. I can feel the bridge jiggle when cars go by and the big semi trucks are inches away from killing me. So I'm waiting for the tow truck to come and what happens...oh there's an accident behind me (yes because of me) An older lady hit the truck trying to get over behind me. So what I was hoping would just let me get over quickly was becoming much bigger quickly. So now we're blocking most of the bridge and just waiting for the police and tow trucks to come. Well the ambulance came to take the older lady to the hospital to make sure she was ok and the police woman came to do the report. Well I told her I was waiting for the tow company. Well that wasn't quick enough so the firemen (yeah we had them all out there) pushed me and the car up to the exit (about 1/2 mile away) so I'd be out of the way. Then they just left me there. The highway was backed up so far they ended up shutting the on-ramps and stopping other traffic. Yeah this was so crazy! There are of course more details but I'm not gonna leave it all on here.
Oh yeah and I was supposed to be working...it's now about 10:30 by the time the tow truck got to the car. It took forever! So then my mom took me to work. I think it was shortly after that when I finally made it to work. Scott was so kind to me about the whole thing too. It made me all the more thankful for my job!
So when I get home, Katie was here to cut our hair, then it was back to working on my car. I called around to see who was still open to go buy a new battery from. Auto Zone was the only one open still so I went to get a battery from them. And I put it back on my car myself, but there was still no connection. I was so confused...so the boys go out and are looking, trying to tighten the connections...still nothing...then I look at the terminals and I see that I didn't take off the cap from the negative. yeah that would be the problem. (but at least I figured it out myself). We got my car up and running to figure out that I have no gas in it...oh man seriously I'm thinking this is the craziest car day ever!
I am so thankful for the safely of God's protection this whole day. It made me stop and think there's one more thing I take for granted. God protects me each and every day from so many things and this really puts it in perspective again! I have been thanking God all day for all the little things. God is good ALL THE TIME!
So I'm going down the highway headed to work, already running about 10 mins late and Josh's car starts revving and won't accelerate. Yeah, keep in mind that it's 8:30 in the morning so there's still a lot of morning traffic, so I get it to coast as far as I'm able. And where am I at....on a bridge right pass Lake Michigan Dr. close to the Market Exit. So I'm thinking at least the festiva is a little car, I'm off as far as I can be and pretty much thinking I'm going to die. I can feel the bridge jiggle when cars go by and the big semi trucks are inches away from killing me. So I'm waiting for the tow truck to come and what happens...oh there's an accident behind me (yes because of me) An older lady hit the truck trying to get over behind me. So what I was hoping would just let me get over quickly was becoming much bigger quickly. So now we're blocking most of the bridge and just waiting for the police and tow trucks to come. Well the ambulance came to take the older lady to the hospital to make sure she was ok and the police woman came to do the report. Well I told her I was waiting for the tow company. Well that wasn't quick enough so the firemen (yeah we had them all out there) pushed me and the car up to the exit (about 1/2 mile away) so I'd be out of the way. Then they just left me there. The highway was backed up so far they ended up shutting the on-ramps and stopping other traffic. Yeah this was so crazy! There are of course more details but I'm not gonna leave it all on here.
Oh yeah and I was supposed to be working...it's now about 10:30 by the time the tow truck got to the car. It took forever! So then my mom took me to work. I think it was shortly after that when I finally made it to work. Scott was so kind to me about the whole thing too. It made me all the more thankful for my job!
So when I get home, Katie was here to cut our hair, then it was back to working on my car. I called around to see who was still open to go buy a new battery from. Auto Zone was the only one open still so I went to get a battery from them. And I put it back on my car myself, but there was still no connection. I was so confused...so the boys go out and are looking, trying to tighten the connections...still nothing...then I look at the terminals and I see that I didn't take off the cap from the negative. yeah that would be the problem. (but at least I figured it out myself). We got my car up and running to figure out that I have no gas in it...oh man seriously I'm thinking this is the craziest car day ever!
I am so thankful for the safely of God's protection this whole day. It made me stop and think there's one more thing I take for granted. God protects me each and every day from so many things and this really puts it in perspective again! I have been thanking God all day for all the little things. God is good ALL THE TIME!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
The Christmas Tree Fiasco...Or not?
Well as tradition goes in our house I do ALL our decorating for Christmas. I got all my stuff done (but was waiting on the boys to get the tree) the day after Thanksgiving. I of course crank up the Christmas music and dance around singing at the top of my lungs...It's always a good time. So after waiting a while for someone to get our tree...My dad went and cut one of ours down Sunday afternoon just before I had to leave for night church...So I didn't have time to do any decorating. And of course I've been busy each night this week so I finally got to decorating the tree tonight.
Well I really hadn't even looked at the tree before tonight actually, just passed it by. Let me tell you, have you ever seen Charlie Brown's tree...Well I think that one looked better than ours. haha well not really. It looks ok from one side, but the middle is really bare, then from the other side the middle is great but the bottom and top are bare so it was hard to find a good "center" for facing people. I just decided to decorate it the best I could and have fun doing it. It really was fun I was talking to Jenny on the phone so it was like she was there with me and Josh was playing his guitar while I was putting up the decorations. It was all going great but the tree was really pricky. (oh let me add that I am actually allergic to pine trees, when I get poked I get hives and itchy fat hands....So it's always interesting to decorate but it's fun) So by the time I was done my hands were pretty puffy and do itchy. Well I'm finally done this this crazy looking tree, that seemed to be leaning more and more each time I looked at it. I'm moving it back into place and what happens? Oh yeah it falls over on me....So I'm crouching on the ground holding the tree stand with my feet to help balance the weight and leaning back trying to hold up the tree with my hands...I yell for help and my dad comes in to get the tree...He goes to hold it and say..."Oh that's too pokey, do you have it?" as I'm struggling to not fall over with the tree on the floor. "no dad I don't have it, get a glove or something so I can move to get it better"....haha so long story shorter, we ended up having to tie the top of the tree to our blinds (our slider ones) so it wouldn't keep falling over....so the tree looks good now....haha if you're leaning to the left at about at 45 degree angle. So as our decorating goes over here, there's always an exciting story to tell. I have just found this so humorous that I thought I should share it with everyone. Maybe you'll be as entertained as I was doing my Christmas decorating.
Well I really hadn't even looked at the tree before tonight actually, just passed it by. Let me tell you, have you ever seen Charlie Brown's tree...Well I think that one looked better than ours. haha well not really. It looks ok from one side, but the middle is really bare, then from the other side the middle is great but the bottom and top are bare so it was hard to find a good "center" for facing people. I just decided to decorate it the best I could and have fun doing it. It really was fun I was talking to Jenny on the phone so it was like she was there with me and Josh was playing his guitar while I was putting up the decorations. It was all going great but the tree was really pricky. (oh let me add that I am actually allergic to pine trees, when I get poked I get hives and itchy fat hands....So it's always interesting to decorate but it's fun) So by the time I was done my hands were pretty puffy and do itchy. Well I'm finally done this this crazy looking tree, that seemed to be leaning more and more each time I looked at it. I'm moving it back into place and what happens? Oh yeah it falls over on me....So I'm crouching on the ground holding the tree stand with my feet to help balance the weight and leaning back trying to hold up the tree with my hands...I yell for help and my dad comes in to get the tree...He goes to hold it and say..."Oh that's too pokey, do you have it?" as I'm struggling to not fall over with the tree on the floor. "no dad I don't have it, get a glove or something so I can move to get it better"....haha so long story shorter, we ended up having to tie the top of the tree to our blinds (our slider ones) so it wouldn't keep falling over....so the tree looks good now....haha if you're leaning to the left at about at 45 degree angle. So as our decorating goes over here, there's always an exciting story to tell. I have just found this so humorous that I thought I should share it with everyone. Maybe you'll be as entertained as I was doing my Christmas decorating.
Saturday, November 26, 2005
I just LOVE this...
I have had so much fun this past week! I, first of all, can't believe how much I've gotten done in the past few days. (then I'll back track to Thanksgiving). Friday I was supposed to get up at 4:30 for the shopping...But I didn't' end up falling asleep until about 1 so I thought I'd better sleep in instead of going early. Mom and Carol (Mancewicz) went out and got some great deals, they said it was crazy though. I left my house around 10 and got my shopping pretty much done. I've never accomplished so much so quickly. It was fun though. I just have to wait to get the last of my presents so they're fresh. So after I got done shopping I put up my Christmas decorations (oh man I have so many it's so silly. And yes they're all mine actually. My mom always jokes when I get my own place she won't have any decorations to put up.) I then watched the pistons lose to the Wizards in double overtime. It was a decent game to watch though, just a sad ending. Some friends stopped by to watch it with me and Josh, which always makes it more fun!
Today I tried to sleep in, just cuz I could...Oh yeah I got up at 8:27....Yes I slept in!!! Ha. But I was productive again, I got the house cleaned, did some laundry (four loads) did some baking (I made Zucchini bread for the first time...I'll have to see how it turns out but I made three batches of it...Yeah I think I should have seen how the first turned out but oh well...I just hope it tastes good. I watch Rockford win their second state championship title....Yes! And did a little more shopping, then I'll watch the pistons again tonight.
Ok back to Thursday. It was so much fun! Mom and I got all our stuff ready on Weds night so all we had to do was put them in the oven. I made cranberry sauce for the first time this year...I didn't have a recipe so I made one up and it was actually really good...So if anyone wants the recipe I'd give it to ya. Well I decided I really wanted a nice family picture so I asked Carol if she'd take the pics for us, she said she didn't mind so I went out and bought us all shirts so we'd have a nice looking pic. I think they worked out well...Now we'll just have to take some new ones once my little Lucy/Coleton is born. It's really hard to have a my whole family behave long enough to take a good pic though. Those stinkers are such goofballs. So we watched the lions lose, checked out the ads and then later put in Elf, it's our new tradition to watch it to start off the Christmas events.
I love Christmas time! Oh man I have some more interesting things I've been learning from my bible reading I"ll have to put them on later so I don't have the worlds longest post. Have a great night everyone!
Today I tried to sleep in, just cuz I could...Oh yeah I got up at 8:27....Yes I slept in!!! Ha. But I was productive again, I got the house cleaned, did some laundry (four loads) did some baking (I made Zucchini bread for the first time...I'll have to see how it turns out but I made three batches of it...Yeah I think I should have seen how the first turned out but oh well...I just hope it tastes good. I watch Rockford win their second state championship title....Yes! And did a little more shopping, then I'll watch the pistons again tonight.
Ok back to Thursday. It was so much fun! Mom and I got all our stuff ready on Weds night so all we had to do was put them in the oven. I made cranberry sauce for the first time this year...I didn't have a recipe so I made one up and it was actually really good...So if anyone wants the recipe I'd give it to ya. Well I decided I really wanted a nice family picture so I asked Carol if she'd take the pics for us, she said she didn't mind so I went out and bought us all shirts so we'd have a nice looking pic. I think they worked out well...Now we'll just have to take some new ones once my little Lucy/Coleton is born. It's really hard to have a my whole family behave long enough to take a good pic though. Those stinkers are such goofballs. So we watched the lions lose, checked out the ads and then later put in Elf, it's our new tradition to watch it to start off the Christmas events.
I love Christmas time! Oh man I have some more interesting things I've been learning from my bible reading I"ll have to put them on later so I don't have the worlds longest post. Have a great night everyone!
Monday, November 21, 2005
Trip to Chicago
We went to the windy city last week. Have I told you that I really love Chicago. I don't know if I'd really want to live in the city for the rest of my life, but I love walking to everywhere...Much more economical and better for my health. It's fun to be in the city too. You get to hear so many different languages and see aspects of other cultures. I love it. So Jabin and I took the train from Holland there on Tues morning, We arrived back to our hotel, had lunch and then it was nap time for him. When he woke up we toured the hotel and then went out with his mom to the Cheesecake Factory....a must stop in Chicago. Then Lorrie (Jabin's mom), Jabin and I walked around Michigan Ave for some shopping. Such a great time. Wed, Jabin and I went to the Shed's Aquarium, which was so cool. We saw dolphin shows and all kinds of animals...When Jabin saw the penguins he goes..."Look Becky, Kowalski's...(from Madagascar). Have I told you that he's so cute! Well he is. We came back and had naptime again...then Lorrie and Jabin went out while I met with my friend Charity (who lives in Chicago). We we to the Rainforest Cafe. (which is fun, but I wasn't crazy about it especially how expensive it was) Thurs, Lorrie had to leave by 5 am to get to her flight and Jabin and I bummed around. Well kinda, I woke up at 4:30 and I couldn't sleep anymore (I think I just knew that Lorrie was leaving so I was trying to listen for Jabin, who knows....I must have had mommy ears on. So Jabin woke up at 5:30 and we played, watched some tv, went to breakfast, went swimming...took an hour nap, then went to the Navy Pier children's museum. It was so much fun! But very busy. We had to get on the train around 5 so we then went to Union Station and he slept the whole way home. It was such a fun trip. Jabin was so great the whole time too.
I stayed pretty busy this weekend too so I'm trying to catch up on sleep still and of course my qb is playing Monday night football tonight and I want to see if I can pull off the win. We'll see if I'm able to stay awake.
Rockford made it to state finals again. They'll play at the Ford Field on sat at 1. So if anyone wants so go I've got a van but I don't want to go by myself.
Well I know I have so much more to fill you all in on but my eyes are tired of looking at the computer screen. So have a good night!
I stayed pretty busy this weekend too so I'm trying to catch up on sleep still and of course my qb is playing Monday night football tonight and I want to see if I can pull off the win. We'll see if I'm able to stay awake.
Rockford made it to state finals again. They'll play at the Ford Field on sat at 1. So if anyone wants so go I've got a van but I don't want to go by myself.
Well I know I have so much more to fill you all in on but my eyes are tired of looking at the computer screen. So have a good night!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Number 20

So definetly a highlight for me this weekend was going to the pistons game with my mom. It was such a fun night. But beyond that....drum roll please....that's right I had my picture taken with Carols Delfino (I'm favorite Piston player). Oh I was so stupid, I got all shakey (literally) and started to sweat, I don't think I could have said a word if my life depended on it. Oh man I'm such a nerd. The picture turned out really great too. I'll leave it for you all to admire as well.
You know all these guys are huge but its so different when you're right next to them and can compare yourself to them. It was awesome!
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
So I guess the over all theme of my blog is they impact/way I'm able to live out or be challenged by my faith in God himself and His word. Does anyone else have trouble REALLY trusting God with ALL aspects of their life. It seems like I try to give it over to Him but they I end up taking it back (you know because He's not doing what I want I think I can turn things around...Duh). Sin nature is so not fun! It's like the more I try to not think about "things" the more Satan tries to make me see how much I need to think about it and how much I need to take control. How stupid, when you look back on it. But how hard it is to truly "cast all your cares upon Him." So seriously how do you actually do that? If anyone has figured it out I would love to know. There is one huge issue (to me) that I would love to not have anymore and if it were up to me it would have been taken care of years ago...
I guess it is our struggle to put off the old man and put on the new. I try, maybe it's so mindset I have that the world has influenced, I don't know. Yes I know I haven't said what it is I'm struggling with, it's for a reason. I want to be content in my current circumstances, and most of the time I am...this is one of those days that my mind won't stop. I'm pretty sure most of you have guess by now what I'm talking about. *sigh* It's in God's hands I know because if it were up to me I would have messed it up a long time ago and then at the same time... Yeah that's my thinking on the issue.
But in all honesty God is so good. Look back on the past year of your life and look at the Hand God had in bringing you through the ups and downs.
This is supposed to be encouraging...I hope it was.
I guess it is our struggle to put off the old man and put on the new. I try, maybe it's so mindset I have that the world has influenced, I don't know. Yes I know I haven't said what it is I'm struggling with, it's for a reason. I want to be content in my current circumstances, and most of the time I am...this is one of those days that my mind won't stop. I'm pretty sure most of you have guess by now what I'm talking about. *sigh* It's in God's hands I know because if it were up to me I would have messed it up a long time ago and then at the same time... Yeah that's my thinking on the issue.
But in all honesty God is so good. Look back on the past year of your life and look at the Hand God had in bringing you through the ups and downs.
This is supposed to be encouraging...I hope it was.
Monday, October 24, 2005
Yeah I know three in one night...but I thought of a really cool thing I learned this week.
So I was talking to Hebe this week and we happened to talk about the verse Heb 10:25, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Which I always thought of this verse as one that told us we should go to church. Not missing church when we are able to go. But he has said he thought about it in the same way as when Jesus cried out in Matt 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So I got to wondering what the Greek word for each was. It turns out they have the same greek word, Egkataleipo. This word means,
abandon, desert
leave in straits, leave helpless
totally abandoned, utterly forsaken
to leave behind among, to leave surviving
Now, you might not think this is cool, but I was very impressed with learning this. I have never taken the verse in Heb. to have such a harsh meaning. But to totally abandon church is what is wrong. Missing a service because you're tired or busy isn't wrong. That is a totally new mindset for me. Maybe you all will learn something from this too. That was my cool thing from Hebe. He really is a smart guy.
So I was talking to Hebe this week and we happened to talk about the verse Heb 10:25, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." Which I always thought of this verse as one that told us we should go to church. Not missing church when we are able to go. But he has said he thought about it in the same way as when Jesus cried out in Matt 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
So I got to wondering what the Greek word for each was. It turns out they have the same greek word, Egkataleipo. This word means,
abandon, desert
leave in straits, leave helpless
totally abandoned, utterly forsaken
to leave behind among, to leave surviving
Now, you might not think this is cool, but I was very impressed with learning this. I have never taken the verse in Heb. to have such a harsh meaning. But to totally abandon church is what is wrong. Missing a service because you're tired or busy isn't wrong. That is a totally new mindset for me. Maybe you all will learn something from this too. That was my cool thing from Hebe. He really is a smart guy.
So I just thought of something else. I'm a totally Ebay-aholic. I have to check it at least once a day to see if I can find any good piston tickets. Yeah I'm addicted. So I was bidding today on some tickets so I could take some more friends on the 5th and I was totally winning I kept updating it until there was just 6 sec left and a guy outbid me. That was so sad...I thought I was home free once I got to the ten sec mark, but oh no...there are stinkers out there who totally strip you from your tickets....I had been watching it from 19 mins down to make sure I got them and then.....BOOM, it's gone in an instant. Well I just thought I'd share.
The Boys are Back
So saturday night I was able to go see the Pistons, center court, ten rows back against the Heat. Oh it was awesome. I took Hebe with me and his commentary alone makes the game more fun. And yeah it was preseason, but I sure didn't care....watching the pistons is watching the pistons in my book. And I'm going again in two weeks. I'm taking my mom to see them play the Raptors. And that's even a picture night...so that should be a lot of fun.
Things with Jabin were challenging last week, but he totally made up for it today. We met McKenna and Marissa (or Miss-ah-ra as Jabin says) at Chuck-E-Cheese. That's always fun and they are just so cute together. They hold hands and when Jabin saw McKenna today he said, "I missed you McKenna" does it get any cuter than that? And it wore him out, he took a three hour nap today. We have library tomorrow and then Music class on Thurs, so over all we'll have a busy week.
Oh and so much fun, I get to spend the weekend with the Tolsma kids in three weeks. Oh I miss those cute little kids! Well they're not so little any more Brandon is 13. Man that's crazy. But I'm really looking forward to that.
I had an extended talk with Ben last night about boys (mainly them taking leadership roles in dating...haha you wonder why huh..haha). But I have to say I learned alot about the male ego. It really does help to just ask boys about things instead of wondering. I'm sure I could tell you girls a few things but each guy is different so I could be wrong.
Oh I got to feel the baby kick two weekends ago. It was the coolest thing I've ever felt. Kristen was laying on the couch and the baby was just moving...so cute. You could actually see her belly moving from the baby.
Well I have a good week all
Things with Jabin were challenging last week, but he totally made up for it today. We met McKenna and Marissa (or Miss-ah-ra as Jabin says) at Chuck-E-Cheese. That's always fun and they are just so cute together. They hold hands and when Jabin saw McKenna today he said, "I missed you McKenna" does it get any cuter than that? And it wore him out, he took a three hour nap today. We have library tomorrow and then Music class on Thurs, so over all we'll have a busy week.
Oh and so much fun, I get to spend the weekend with the Tolsma kids in three weeks. Oh I miss those cute little kids! Well they're not so little any more Brandon is 13. Man that's crazy. But I'm really looking forward to that.
I had an extended talk with Ben last night about boys (mainly them taking leadership roles in dating...haha you wonder why huh..haha). But I have to say I learned alot about the male ego. It really does help to just ask boys about things instead of wondering. I'm sure I could tell you girls a few things but each guy is different so I could be wrong.
Oh I got to feel the baby kick two weekends ago. It was the coolest thing I've ever felt. Kristen was laying on the couch and the baby was just moving...so cute. You could actually see her belly moving from the baby.
Well I have a good week all
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Dios es mi fuerta!
Well hello once again my loyal fans...Yes this is actually a new post. I have been meaning to update the post but I really didn't have anything special to say. I have been busy watching Jabin this week. And I have the day off tomorrow now. Which is always nice to have a day off...But on the flip side with this job is that I really do miss Jabin when I don't watch him. (Yeah I'm a nerd I know).
So yes the love of my life came back in action on Tuesday night...yea you heard me right...Carlos Delfino and the Pistons have returned for a new season. (haha I had you all fooled for a little bit huh...You really thought there was someone hehehe). And I get to go see them in eight days...Only eight days. Center court, ten rows back from the players...Against the HEAT...Doesn't get much better than that...Well except to actually meet the players themselves...How cool would that be?
My aunt Julie and uncle Bodie (my mom's brother) are here from Colorado. It has been so much fun seeing them. The trouble with them living in CO and us in MI is that we don't really see much of family. I have met their kids three times in my life and I've seen them about five times so spending an extended amount of time with them has been wonderful!!! They are so cool. They have a motorcycle. It's a really cool one too. Yeah I am scared to death to ride them but I think they are cool looking. And they are such godly examples. I would have loved to have them around more growing up. Guess that's just something to remember when/if I have kids.
I'm so excited! It's been a good night.
So yes the love of my life came back in action on Tuesday night...yea you heard me right...Carlos Delfino and the Pistons have returned for a new season. (haha I had you all fooled for a little bit huh...You really thought there was someone hehehe). And I get to go see them in eight days...Only eight days. Center court, ten rows back from the players...Against the HEAT...Doesn't get much better than that...Well except to actually meet the players themselves...How cool would that be?
My aunt Julie and uncle Bodie (my mom's brother) are here from Colorado. It has been so much fun seeing them. The trouble with them living in CO and us in MI is that we don't really see much of family. I have met their kids three times in my life and I've seen them about five times so spending an extended amount of time with them has been wonderful!!! They are so cool. They have a motorcycle. It's a really cool one too. Yeah I am scared to death to ride them but I think they are cool looking. And they are such godly examples. I would have loved to have them around more growing up. Guess that's just something to remember when/if I have kids.
I'm so excited! It's been a good night.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
My cool friend Jen

I just wanted you all to see the cool moves my bestest bud Jen can do. Aww....doesn't that make you feel special now Jen? I just thought the world should see how cool of a friend I have. I love Jen!!!
I love you the most times infinity plus one through all eternity forever and ever...amen! I'll try to update later.
Friday, September 23, 2005
Is God in control?
So before I explain why my title is in the form of a question...Stop and think about your life....Are you allowing God to be in control or did you tell him to be a "backseat driver?"
So there I was sitting and reading a book while Jabin took a nap...My phone rang and it was Brit (totally not unusual since we are eachother's Friday night date). We had left our plans semi in limbo (go to the football game or to the movie we both wanted to see) We were leaning towards the movie and I was so excited. We were gonna get something to eat and then watch "Flightplan." But she really wanted to go to the game (lowell's) So we changed plans, yeah I was a little bummed but it's such a beautiful night going to the game would be fun. But I went to Rockford's game. I called up Casey to see if he wanted to come, and he was up for watching some football. The game was alright, I'm so sick of blow-outs. We won. But I had such a good time with Casey. He was such a huge encouragement. I got to talk to him and find out more about how he treats people and what a godly guy he is. (I'm very excited that Jodi found such a great guy!). So to make a long story short I told him about how I had felt God leading my steps to be in full time ministry but that I've been so scared to do it alone. I would love to go overseas..but only with someone else. It's you know my "but" to God. And he just facilitated me helped me take in what I was saying (pretty much facilitating myself) but it was so good to talk about it again. I know I'm somewhat afraid of being alone but he allowed God to work in my life and really challenged me. It made me stop and think a ton. So without giving you the whole conversation I will restate my question...Is God in control of your life, or do you have "buts" before God? I know I do and I admit I need a lot of prayer in this area of my life. But I would like to try an encourage you all to allow God to lead your life, not having to lay everything out before...that's part of our faith in Him. Please pray for me and know I'm praying for all of you my friends!
So there I was sitting and reading a book while Jabin took a nap...My phone rang and it was Brit (totally not unusual since we are eachother's Friday night date). We had left our plans semi in limbo (go to the football game or to the movie we both wanted to see) We were leaning towards the movie and I was so excited. We were gonna get something to eat and then watch "Flightplan." But she really wanted to go to the game (lowell's) So we changed plans, yeah I was a little bummed but it's such a beautiful night going to the game would be fun. But I went to Rockford's game. I called up Casey to see if he wanted to come, and he was up for watching some football. The game was alright, I'm so sick of blow-outs. We won. But I had such a good time with Casey. He was such a huge encouragement. I got to talk to him and find out more about how he treats people and what a godly guy he is. (I'm very excited that Jodi found such a great guy!). So to make a long story short I told him about how I had felt God leading my steps to be in full time ministry but that I've been so scared to do it alone. I would love to go overseas..but only with someone else. It's you know my "but" to God. And he just facilitated me helped me take in what I was saying (pretty much facilitating myself) but it was so good to talk about it again. I know I'm somewhat afraid of being alone but he allowed God to work in my life and really challenged me. It made me stop and think a ton. So without giving you the whole conversation I will restate my question...Is God in control of your life, or do you have "buts" before God? I know I do and I admit I need a lot of prayer in this area of my life. But I would like to try an encourage you all to allow God to lead your life, not having to lay everything out before...that's part of our faith in Him. Please pray for me and know I'm praying for all of you my friends!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Weddings and engagements...
Well I thought this was the summer of weddings...but I think I might be wrong...there have been even more weddings planned for next year. This week I first had a random phone call from a girl I went to highschool with and she asked me if I would sing in her wedding. Crazy. I then found out that my friends Gabe and Beka (A huge congrats again guys) are engaged and are planning a spring wedding. Susan and Paul got married friday night. Then I came home from the wedding only to have my Best friend from high school call and tell me she's now engaged and getting married in the spring. She has asked me to be her maid of honor. WOW. That's so cool. I feel so honored that she would ask me. Thanks Tridda!!! And I guess on top of that I am editing my brother and sister-in-laws wedding video. How fun.
Oh and this is by far the most exciting thing that happened to me this week...I bought two tickets to see Pistons vs. Heat. CENTER COURT but oh it gets even better....10 rows from the players bench!!! Yeah Baby. So I'm heading to the palace once again. Oct 22 with Hebe Gebe and Nov. 5 with mom. Oh the fun times.
Oh and this is by far the most exciting thing that happened to me this week...I bought two tickets to see Pistons vs. Heat. CENTER COURT but oh it gets even better....10 rows from the players bench!!! Yeah Baby. So I'm heading to the palace once again. Oct 22 with Hebe Gebe and Nov. 5 with mom. Oh the fun times.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Pastor's message
So I've still been thinking about Pastor's message on Sunday entitled Burden or Blessing. It was such a good sermon for me to hear. I me really how often do we stop and think about why "difficulties" come into our lives? James 1:2-4, "Consider it pure JOY whenever you face trials of many kinds for you know the testing of your faith develops patience, and patience must finish it's work so that you will be mature" (that's my paraphrased version) And in, I believe, 1 Cor. says that the Lord give us comfort when we go through difficult times so that we might help comfort others when they go through similar difficulties. Ok so when was the last time you (and I) thought about difficulties that way...."I know God will give me the strength to get through this...I am to be joyful for the maturity this is bring to my spiritual walk....I am thankful God will us me as a blessing to someone else's life to help them get through....(fill in the blank). I have to say I am so guilty of think....why is this is my life...God don't I serve you, I try to walk according to the bible....Etc. Shame on ME! I have asked God to forgive me for thinking so much like the world and falling short of glorifying Him. I say this to encourage you, whatever it might be you are going through thank God for it and us it to HIS glory. This is been such a constant reminder...Sunday's sermon, talking to Lorrie throughout this week, Mr. Shear reminding us a choir tonight and it was left as an away message on a friend (who is at school at BBC) of mine's IM. So is this something God is trying to teach me...I would sure think so. I hope you find this a good reminder to you. COUNT IT ALL JOY!!! Preserver in trials.....PRAISE GOD!!!!
Monday, September 12, 2005
*sigh* of relief
Well this is fun, I just wrote a post and went to spell check it...well it totally erased it all. So we'll try again.
Friday I got out of work early I love those days! Brit and I then went and painted my mom's new office. We came home and cleaned up then went out to dinner at Applebee's and managed to stay there for a good three hours. Such fun! Jim was our server so we got to chat a little bit. Brit ended up spending the night and then we both had class Sat. So we got up semi early. I had an eye appointment before school so I headed to that. Yes I get glasses in a week. I can't wait to be able to see again. I love having glasses!
Saturday night I was able to finish setting up our basement. It is now all set for an additional "tv" room. We've even got a little carpet down there. Not ideal but it sure works out great. It gives me room to spread out too. My family isn't really using it much yet so it's more my personal space. I sure can't complain. Just give me a blanket and a cup of coffee and I'm good to go.
Sunday after church Brit and I decided to be very dilligent in our homework by heading out to Grand Haven for five hours. It was a perfect beach day. Then I got to come home and watch some football. Football season has to be my favorite! Jen thanks for getting me set up with fantasy. I love it it's keeping me so much more involved in the games. SO FUN! And I'm doing very well in my fantasy team. YES!
I decied to drop my spanish class after you know one week of classes. But it is such a huge relief. I not only have more free time but I get to do choir at church now too. I'll pick up the spanish class next semester. It'll be with a much better professor whom I admire a lot. My other classes are pretty good. I love my history class! I'm learning a lot about the history of the Middle East, and they are using the bible as a reference. They said it has a lot of great historical events. My website class is just getting underway so I'll keep you informed on that one. My photoshop class has a lot to be desired, but the good thing is that I can work on that on my computer too so I'll get ahead during the week and be able to leave when it comes to lab time.
~Have a good night~
Friday I got out of work early I love those days! Brit and I then went and painted my mom's new office. We came home and cleaned up then went out to dinner at Applebee's and managed to stay there for a good three hours. Such fun! Jim was our server so we got to chat a little bit. Brit ended up spending the night and then we both had class Sat. So we got up semi early. I had an eye appointment before school so I headed to that. Yes I get glasses in a week. I can't wait to be able to see again. I love having glasses!
Saturday night I was able to finish setting up our basement. It is now all set for an additional "tv" room. We've even got a little carpet down there. Not ideal but it sure works out great. It gives me room to spread out too. My family isn't really using it much yet so it's more my personal space. I sure can't complain. Just give me a blanket and a cup of coffee and I'm good to go.
Sunday after church Brit and I decided to be very dilligent in our homework by heading out to Grand Haven for five hours. It was a perfect beach day. Then I got to come home and watch some football. Football season has to be my favorite! Jen thanks for getting me set up with fantasy. I love it it's keeping me so much more involved in the games. SO FUN! And I'm doing very well in my fantasy team. YES!
I decied to drop my spanish class after you know one week of classes. But it is such a huge relief. I not only have more free time but I get to do choir at church now too. I'll pick up the spanish class next semester. It'll be with a much better professor whom I admire a lot. My other classes are pretty good. I love my history class! I'm learning a lot about the history of the Middle East, and they are using the bible as a reference. They said it has a lot of great historical events. My website class is just getting underway so I'll keep you informed on that one. My photoshop class has a lot to be desired, but the good thing is that I can work on that on my computer too so I'll get ahead during the week and be able to leave when it comes to lab time.
~Have a good night~
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Don't you just love the smell of freshly sharpened pencils?
Well I offically started school...yesterday, but had my first class tonight, Spanish. Wow my teacher is going to be a little demanding of my time. She flat out said she doesn't care if we are working our boss comes after her class. So basically I signed up for a four credit class but the acually time I have to put into it is going to be a great deal more. *sigh* I hope I'm ready for this. All the homework is already making my head hurt...and this is the first two days. Well, guys don't let me give up like to do every other time. I'm one semester away from graduating at cc....so make sure I stick with it. (so you know I already feel the pressure of homework and instead of working on it right now what am I doing....? oh writing a new post. haha isn't that a good use of my time? But I said I would keep up with it and so that's what I'm doing for all my adoring fans....all two of you that is. Hahaha)
Jabin and I went to the zoo with Marissa and Mckenna today. Oh it was so much fun. I got a really cute picture of them holding hands. They are just too stinkin cute!!! It totally wore Jabin out too...he slept for three hours. So I got to work out, shower, finish my book and do house work during that time. I acutally felt productive.
So can I just say that God sure is the God of all comfort. I had something I knew I had to give over to God but (me being the controling perfectionist that I am) was having a hard time letting go. So I spent a lot of time praying and reading my Bible over the weekend and holiday. (now I'm not going to be all charismatic (I don't think I spelled that right)) But seriously as I as praying it was like a huge weight was literally taken off my body. The Holy Spirit really did give me the comfort and peace I longed for and it has made things so much easier! God is good. All the time!!! I hope you all had a great night as well.
Jabin and I went to the zoo with Marissa and Mckenna today. Oh it was so much fun. I got a really cute picture of them holding hands. They are just too stinkin cute!!! It totally wore Jabin out too...he slept for three hours. So I got to work out, shower, finish my book and do house work during that time. I acutally felt productive.
So can I just say that God sure is the God of all comfort. I had something I knew I had to give over to God but (me being the controling perfectionist that I am) was having a hard time letting go. So I spent a lot of time praying and reading my Bible over the weekend and holiday. (now I'm not going to be all charismatic (I don't think I spelled that right)) But seriously as I as praying it was like a huge weight was literally taken off my body. The Holy Spirit really did give me the comfort and peace I longed for and it has made things so much easier! God is good. All the time!!! I hope you all had a great night as well.
Monday, September 05, 2005
We had such a great Sunday! Great church service, good lunch, good fellowship and then....oh yeah we went to Grand Haven to watch the Selah concert. It was so good! They are great worship leaders and give the glory to God. It was wonderful to be at the waterfront stadium so we could enjoy a beautiful sunset. Yeah it was a great night!
Saturday, September 03, 2005
That title was for you nancy....hehe!
I was finally able to do some baking today. Sadly our oven has been broken for oh...about three months now and I haven't been able to bake anything since then. Well I went over to Jared and Kristen's today in order to make treats for sunday school tomrrow. It was fun I got a lot done...bannana bread, coffee cake and tons of cookies. Thanks Kristen for letting me us your kitchen. The boys were upstairs tearing out the drywall of their guest room. That was kind of exciting, a little scary at times because you would hear a loud bang and wonder if it was just the drywall of it Jared had just fallen down...which getting a mental picture is really quite funny. Ha ha!
I also got to read another book today while soaking up some good sun rays. And....believe it or not I organized and cleaned my room...yes it's acually clean...minus dusting and vacuuming because it's a little to late to run the vacuum and I don't want to dust until after I do that or else you just get more dust on them. So over all a productive day. I like days like that.
The A-team is on it's way to be up and running....how fun! I'm excited to get it going and have things done for the teens. I've got some great kids helping to head it up.
I didn't have any epiphanies today. But isn't God good to just give us that beautiful sunshine? I am sure glad I was able to be outside for a little while and enjoy it.
I was finally able to do some baking today. Sadly our oven has been broken for oh...about three months now and I haven't been able to bake anything since then. Well I went over to Jared and Kristen's today in order to make treats for sunday school tomrrow. It was fun I got a lot done...bannana bread, coffee cake and tons of cookies. Thanks Kristen for letting me us your kitchen. The boys were upstairs tearing out the drywall of their guest room. That was kind of exciting, a little scary at times because you would hear a loud bang and wonder if it was just the drywall of it Jared had just fallen down...which getting a mental picture is really quite funny. Ha ha!
I also got to read another book today while soaking up some good sun rays. And....believe it or not I organized and cleaned my room...yes it's acually clean...minus dusting and vacuuming because it's a little to late to run the vacuum and I don't want to dust until after I do that or else you just get more dust on them. So over all a productive day. I like days like that.
The A-team is on it's way to be up and running....how fun! I'm excited to get it going and have things done for the teens. I've got some great kids helping to head it up.
I didn't have any epiphanies today. But isn't God good to just give us that beautiful sunshine? I am sure glad I was able to be outside for a little while and enjoy it.
Thursday, September 01, 2005
Give me time
Yeah so you'd think that after havin this site since oh...feb I'd have a few more postings....yeah so I said I'd be slow. *update* I love my job. Jabin is so much fun and he's just so cute. We had a fun morning with Marissa and McKenna. He just loves them so much, we went to the children's museum (always a good time). We also stopped at the library on the way back to his house and as we were looking for books he looked at me and goes...."um, becky....i love you." Oh melt my heart right there. I just love that boy.
I was also able to read the book I got at the library today. I've been doing a lot of reading lately. five books in the last five days....yeah I'm a nerd. I'm just getting ready to do a lot of reading once I go back to school. Oh and great news....no I didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurace by switching to Geico...I'm graduating from CC in the spring. Yes, yes I know thank you...after five years of school I am getting an associates. Kind of reminds me of tommy boy...."a lot of people go to school for eight years.....yeah they're called doctors"
Funny thing I saw today. Well I'm driving home from work and I wasn't in a hurry because it was a beautiful day and I was enjoying that fact that I don't have to work until Tuesday (Thank you God for the break). Well I was driving behind a particulary slow "older person" car. I start to get a little antsy so I try to take a closer look at the driver...as I'm looking I see this thing flying around in the car by their head. I'm wondering what's goin on..;So I go to pass them and yes....after a closer look I was able to see it wasn't anything really flying around in the car other than the massive "comb over" I started to laugh out loud when I saw this. Ok so maybe it was one of those things that you had to be there for. But I'm sure you can imagine it was funny.
The other person I noticed on my way home actually brought me to tears. It was just a tender/touching thing to see. A simple little thing I've proly seen several times. There was construction (surprise surprise) on the E. Beltline as I was going home and I happened to look around at one of the sites. I saw a middle aged man on a bike watching the builders. Ok so what's the big deal about that. Well the more I observerd him I came to the conclusion that he had some mental disabilities. But he was just enjoying the simple fact of watching the construction workers build. This just gripped my heart when I saw it. Wow how often do I rush by things and they go unnoticed??? When do I take time to stand back and enjoy the simple things (that are so irritating at times...construction) I had to say a simple prayer of thanks to God for all I take for granted. Even my health, my abilities to move without problems, having a car to drive, having...oh I just could go on and on. I do truly praise God for His hand in my life. Thank you God for all your blessings!
Thought I'd share that with you. Might not touch you the way it did me. But my way of encouragement, take time to talk to God and thank him for Who He is and how He's created each and every one of us.
I was also able to read the book I got at the library today. I've been doing a lot of reading lately. five books in the last five days....yeah I'm a nerd. I'm just getting ready to do a lot of reading once I go back to school. Oh and great news....no I didn't save a bunch of money on my car insurace by switching to Geico...I'm graduating from CC in the spring. Yes, yes I know thank you...after five years of school I am getting an associates. Kind of reminds me of tommy boy...."a lot of people go to school for eight years.....yeah they're called doctors"
Funny thing I saw today. Well I'm driving home from work and I wasn't in a hurry because it was a beautiful day and I was enjoying that fact that I don't have to work until Tuesday (Thank you God for the break). Well I was driving behind a particulary slow "older person" car. I start to get a little antsy so I try to take a closer look at the driver...as I'm looking I see this thing flying around in the car by their head. I'm wondering what's goin on..;So I go to pass them and yes....after a closer look I was able to see it wasn't anything really flying around in the car other than the massive "comb over" I started to laugh out loud when I saw this. Ok so maybe it was one of those things that you had to be there for. But I'm sure you can imagine it was funny.
The other person I noticed on my way home actually brought me to tears. It was just a tender/touching thing to see. A simple little thing I've proly seen several times. There was construction (surprise surprise) on the E. Beltline as I was going home and I happened to look around at one of the sites. I saw a middle aged man on a bike watching the builders. Ok so what's the big deal about that. Well the more I observerd him I came to the conclusion that he had some mental disabilities. But he was just enjoying the simple fact of watching the construction workers build. This just gripped my heart when I saw it. Wow how often do I rush by things and they go unnoticed??? When do I take time to stand back and enjoy the simple things (that are so irritating at times...construction) I had to say a simple prayer of thanks to God for all I take for granted. Even my health, my abilities to move without problems, having a car to drive, having...oh I just could go on and on. I do truly praise God for His hand in my life. Thank you God for all your blessings!
Thought I'd share that with you. Might not touch you the way it did me. But my way of encouragement, take time to talk to God and thank him for Who He is and how He's created each and every one of us.
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Yeah what a great day!
Oh yeah....I started my new job today...watchin Jabin. It was so great. He's such a cute boy. He sadly was still a little sick today, but he's so fun. He's such a happy boy. (I'll post a pic when I have on) It was amazing (my job)...when I'm use to hardly being able to sit down at all....I was able to read today for about two hours. So great. I also got to babysit for cute little Ethan (another child from Tutor Time). He's so much fun...he's a busy and funny boy. Very smart...but also very cute. It was a good day although I was gone for about 15 hours today (6:30am-10:00pm)..hey it's all good.
I've been learning so much lately. God has really just been teaching me how to grow...well more that I have such a need to grow in so many areas of my life..and I have a huge desire to change and continue to grow! Mainly changing in the way I love people; specifically my family. You know how you can decided to change things...and the hardest area (at least for me) is family/home. (Actually just put to the test in this area too). But I'm really enjoying the time I'm able to spend reading. I've used it to do my devos and also to continue other "life shaping" books. I put " " because the only life changing book we need is the Bible, however there books are pointing out specific areas of my life in which I need change.
Well I need to get some sleep after my long day. I have another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading...whoever does.
I've been learning so much lately. God has really just been teaching me how to grow...well more that I have such a need to grow in so many areas of my life..and I have a huge desire to change and continue to grow! Mainly changing in the way I love people; specifically my family. You know how you can decided to change things...and the hardest area (at least for me) is family/home. (Actually just put to the test in this area too). But I'm really enjoying the time I'm able to spend reading. I've used it to do my devos and also to continue other "life shaping" books. I put " " because the only life changing book we need is the Bible, however there books are pointing out specific areas of my life in which I need change.
Well I need to get some sleep after my long day. I have another one tomorrow. Thanks for reading...whoever does.
Monday, February 21, 2005
So I"m a little slow
Yeah I totally knew I wouldn't update this much, I'm really going to work on it. So happy news for me...Friday was my last day at tutor time. It's such a bitter sweet thing. I already miss my kids so much. Confession is that I cried a little today because I missed them. I watch kid shows or shows about kids all day. I was supposed to start my new job...that I am so excited about, today but Scott called me this morning and told me that Jabin was sick so to plan not to come. But good news, he's feeling better and I'll be watching him tomrrow. He's so cute! Such a sweet boy! He'll be two March 11th. So such a fun age. Once I have a picture with him I'll put it on so you can all share in his cuteness.
So since I had the day off i was able to do a lot of reading today too....no I didn't actually watch tve all day...I get bored of it pretty fast. I was give a book called When God Writes Your Love Story, a few months ago but I never got around to reading it...so since I've had the book for a good six months or so I decided I should read it and return it to my friend. It's been good so far, I have a couple more chapters in the book. It's a lot like all the other "dating" books but they do have a few different angles/thinking on dating. So I have to say that I do enjoy it. I was also able to clean the house for my parents today. You know it's just not as much fun to clean when you are told to...but when you choose to do it on your own....it's always fun. Stinkin sin nature. Well I'm off to read a little more then head to bed. Thanks for reading my very exciting post :)
So since I had the day off i was able to do a lot of reading today too....no I didn't actually watch tve all day...I get bored of it pretty fast. I was give a book called When God Writes Your Love Story, a few months ago but I never got around to reading it...so since I've had the book for a good six months or so I decided I should read it and return it to my friend. It's been good so far, I have a couple more chapters in the book. It's a lot like all the other "dating" books but they do have a few different angles/thinking on dating. So I have to say that I do enjoy it. I was also able to clean the house for my parents today. You know it's just not as much fun to clean when you are told to...but when you choose to do it on your own....it's always fun. Stinkin sin nature. Well I'm off to read a little more then head to bed. Thanks for reading my very exciting post :)
Saturday, January 15, 2005
A slow start
Yeah so I'm proly not going to be so great at this, but that's ok. It might take me a while to get up and running since I like to procrastinate. So be patient with me as I get started. If you have any suggestions on how the most efficient was to do this is...let me know. Have a great day!
Hey Happy 21st birthday Jen....I love you!
Hey Happy 21st birthday Jen....I love you!
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